– Ein del av Hardanger og Voss museum
– A part of Hardanger and Voss museum
Maritimt i Norheimsund
Folkemusikk og -dans
Bygdemuseum i Øystese
Kunst, konsert og kafé i Øystese
Tett på historia i Sørfjorden
Bygdemuseum i Vikøy
Bunad, byggeskikk og hardingfele på Utne
Bygdetun på Lofthus
Ulike samlingar og bygg frå 1700-talet
Folkekunst og eventyrlege tun på Voss
Living maritime museum in Norheimsund
Folk music and folk dance
Folk museum in Øystese
Art, events and café in Øystese
Unique farm cluster at Aga
Old vicarage in Vikøy
National treasures at Utne
A glimpse of history at Lofthus
A voyage of discovery in Granvin
Folk art and authentic farm cluster at Voss
lau08mai(mai 8)00:00sun06jun(jun 6)00:00Vestlandsutstillingen 2021
Vestlandsutstillingen (The Westland exhibition) is a touring exhibition since 1922. It is an annual Open Call for artists that holds a connection to Western Norway. The mission is to reflect
Vestlandsutstillingen (The Westland exhibition) is a touring exhibition since 1922. It is an annual Open Call for artists that holds a connection to Western Norway. The mission is to reflect todays art scene from a local perspective. Originally juried by artists it has since 1998 been annually appointed a curator.
Kristina Aas / Karina Presttun, Kristin Austreid, Æsa Bjørk, Helene Førde, Mona Orstad Hansen, Tina Jonsbu, Tom Kosmo, Gabriel Johann Kvendseth, Cato Løland, Irene Nordli, Tovelise Røkke-Olsen, John K. Raustein, Siri Ekker Svendsen, Kristin Tårnesvik, Brynhild Grødeland Winther
Curator: Heidi Bjørgan
Mai 8 (Laurdag) 00:00 - Juni 6 (Sundag) 00:00(GMT+00:00)
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